Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Factory Farming

December 4, 2012 Factory Farming With the rising population growth in the United States, food production has greatly changed. Factory farming was developed in the 1920's; soon after the discovery of vitamins A and D, these vitamins were added to the feed, eliminating the requirement for exercise and sunlight for growth. But what exactly is a factory farm? Factory farming is the dominate source of livestock food for the U. S. Harsh and cruel conditions are inflicted towards the animals which are confined in small cages, the factorys are inhumane and morally wrong.Simply put, it is a farm that runs like a factory. The dangers of this kind of agribusiness inflict not only the animals but the environment, communities and our health. Should factory farming be banned? The government refers factory farming as; concentrated (or confined) animal feeding operations (CAFOs). So what are the conditions of these ‘concentrated animal feeding operations? These facilities house hundreds or tho usands of cows, calves, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and other animals that live in extremely stressful conditions.They are confined in small cages, Jam packed in rooms with little to no room to move around or lay down comfortably. They are fed drugs to fatten them faster and keep them alive in conditions that could otherwise kill them. Genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are used to make the animals grow faster or to produce much more milk or eggs than they naturally would. (Sorensen, 2009) When animals raised for food are large enough for the slaughter houses they are transported in crowded trucks with often no water or food. The animals that survive this grotesque trip are often slaughtered alive.Practices such as altering animals bodies are common in all factory farms, practices such as; debeaking, A process that nvolves cutting through bone, cartilage and soft tissue with a blade to remove the top half and the bottom third of a chicken's, turkeys or ducks beak. Thi s measure is taken to reduce the excessive feather pecking and cannibalism seen among stressed, overcrowded birds in factory farms (ASPCA). So why aren't factory farms banned? There are many reasons as to why these facilities flourish in the United States and other countries. Factory farms are an efficient way to produce food for the large demand of meat, at a low cost.The large amount of Jobs it entails. They also ensure that huge cities will always have food. Factory farming has also promoted the development of vital amenities like good roads and hospitals among others (Harri). Corporations such as McDonalds and others alike are some of the largest consumers of the factory farming business. Without these farms it would be difficult, or impossible to provide chain restaurants with the amount of meat necessary in order to run efficiently. The people, we nourish this business by our desire for low priced food. Are these advantages actually positive or are we overlooking past the down sides?The number of factory farms in the U. S. s undefined, but according to the Factory FarmMap. org; in 2007 there were 571 ,210 livestock units in New Mexico. New Mexico nas extreme levels ot dairy tactory farms. One of them being along interstate 10 southeast of Las Cruces, there are 30, 000 dairy cows on 11 back to back dairy farms. How are factory farms dangerous? Factory farms pollute our land, air, and water by the extreme amount of waste generated by the vast amount of animals being raised in one place. Land and water have been poisoned by decades of use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers for mass production of livestock feed.According to the New Mexico Environment Department (Burnett, 2009); two thirds of the state's dairies are contaminating groundwater with excess nitrogen from manure leaking from lagoons or being over applied to fields. Nitrous oxides are being released from farms in large quantities due to manure application and are among the leading causes of aci d rain (Grace). Can we ban factory farming? It is irrational to think factory farming can be banned, although changes can be made. We can bring awareness to others about factory farming, and by buying local organic food at either farmers markets, or organic produce stores. Factory Farming Oral Presentation Preparation Factory Farming First of all, I am not against meat eating. However, factory farming is an unacceptable practice of meat producing and this unethical action need to be stopped. In order to support my idea, I am going to discuss the facts about factory farming. In order to have a better understanding about factory farming, it is necessary to define what the factory farming is. It is almost where the meat comes from. In 1920s, factory farming began to modify family farming to maximize the profits at great cost to both humans and animals.In fact, two million small farms have disappeared in 1950s. If the rate continues to be the same, there will no real independent farm left. Soon after they discover the vitamin A and D, which are added to feed animals, the animals are no longer required to exercise and sunlight for growth. Therefore, animals in factory farming are raised indoor for their whole lives. In addition, in the food industry, animals are not consid ered animals at all; they are food-producing machines. They are confined to small cages with metal bars. So, why are there too many people against factory farming?The reason is not hard to find – animals are suffered most by factory farming. There are so many animals spend their lives in cages such as chickens, cows, pigs, fox, bears and even tigers. The first to be transformed into mass-produced farming is chicken. Over 600 million chickens live and die in nightmarish conditions to supply Canadians with their meat and eggs. They are kept in small wire cages, called â€Å"battery cages†, with between 7 or 8 chickens. Because of stress and fear, they are peck at each other. In order to prevent the fights, their peaks are cut.It causes lasting pain; effect the ability to eat, drink, or any movement of their peaks. After 18 to 20 weeks, they are considered â€Å"spent hens†, and need to be sent to slaughter. The second major animal in the factory farm is cow. They are milked by machines, which they are not even allowed to sit down. Normally, the dairy cow is forced into a repeated cycle of pregnancy and having her newborns taken away as young as a few hours old so the milk can be used for human consumption. Another factory farm animal, pigs, are kept indoor, unable to turn around, an only stand and lie down with difficulty. There is no respect for mothers: the baby pigs are taken from their mothers in two to four weeks to be fattened up. After 3 to 4 years, mother pigs will be sent to the slaughter. Instead of giving them some more space to live, factory farmer will have pig’s tails docked and teeth clipped to prevent tail biting. Factory farming does not hurt only animals; it also damages human lives by so many dimensions: environment, health and even the economy. As the number of animals in factory farming increases, the amount of animal waste produced increase, too.It damages the air globally. Moreover, it also raises a great concer n about water pollution. For example, if 2 million birds are killed a day, 12 million gallons of water is needed to flush away 3 million pound of guts, chicken heads, feathers, and blood. Public health concern is another issue. In order to promote growth of animals, more than 83% of farm animals are fed with antimicrobial. In 2008, in the U. S. , two million people become infected at hospitals, of those, 90,000 have died because their infections were immune to treatment.Hilariously, the point of developing factory farming is to increase a country economy system; there are some economic arguments against factory farming. Some can believe that factory farming is more efficient method comparing to local farming, it is also considered the best way to produce protein-rich foods as well as affordable. However, economists say no, because the full cost of factory farming will be equal to the total cost of land use, waste disposal expense, cost of air and water pollution, the cost of public health, and finally the cost of community when the value and quality of life decrease.In fact, according to a study, the cost of cleaning up pollution, together with repairing habitats and dealing with sickness caused by factory farming equal to 2. 3 billion pounds which is almost the same amount as a total agriculture industry’s income. By being aware of this facts about factory farming would make a better world for both humans and nonhuman animals. It will soon destroy both humans and nonhuman animals. In addition, the fact is without factory farming, we still can live with an even better life and health, both for humans as well as nonhuman animals.Again, by some perspectives, humans have the right to consume meat, so in the end animals are killed; however, doing what cost least suffer for animals during their lives is a must. Works Cited Michael Bristow. â€Å"China bear bile farms stir anger among campaigners. † BBC News, Beijing. 19 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-asia-china-17188043>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Chooseveg. ca Mercy for Animals. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. chooseveg. ca/animal-cruelty-canada. asp>. â€Å"The Pork Industry. † People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Peta. N. d.Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. peta. org/issues/animals-used-for-food/pork-industry. aspx>. â€Å"What are the Factory Farms hiding? See for Yourself? † Occupy for Animals. 03 Mar. 2012. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. occupyforanimals. org/what-are-factory-farms-hiding-see-for-yourself. html>. Danny Penman. â€Å"The factory farm tigers being turned into wine. † Mail Online. 12 Mar. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-441632/The-factory-farm-tigers-turned-wine. html>. â€Å"Factory Farm: The True Cost. † Human Farming Association. Wildlife Resource and rehabilitation.N. d. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. wildlife-rescue. org /index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=60>. L, Murray. â€Å"Factory Farmed-Chickens: Their difficult lives and deaths. † Britanica Advocacy for Animals. 14 May. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012 < http://advocacy. britannica. com/blog/advocacy/2007/05/the-difficult-lives-and-deaths-of-factory-farmed-chickens/>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Be Compassionate Be Veg. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012 < http://www. beveg. ca/factory-farming-in-canada. php>. Willis, Peterson. â€Å"Family Farming in America. Family Farming ahap. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://familyfarmingahap. weebly. com/family-vs-corporate-farming. html>. Phillip Lymberry. â€Å"Why is Factory Farming such a big deal. † Compassion in World Farming. Youtube. 5 Jul. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. . â€Å"Back to the start. † Chipotle Mexican Grill. Youtube. 25 Aug. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=aMfSGt6rHos> â€Å"The Meatrix. † Canada. The meatrix . N. d. Video. 11 Jul 2012. < http://www. themeatrix. com/intl/canada> Factory Farming Oral Presentation Preparation Factory Farming First of all, I am not against meat eating. However, factory farming is an unacceptable practice of meat producing and this unethical action need to be stopped. In order to support my idea, I am going to discuss the facts about factory farming. In order to have a better understanding about factory farming, it is necessary to define what the factory farming is. It is almost where the meat comes from. In 1920s, factory farming began to modify family farming to maximize the profits at great cost to both humans and animals.In fact, two million small farms have disappeared in 1950s. If the rate continues to be the same, there will no real independent farm left. Soon after they discover the vitamin A and D, which are added to feed animals, the animals are no longer required to exercise and sunlight for growth. Therefore, animals in factory farming are raised indoor for their whole lives. In addition, in the food industry, animals are not consid ered animals at all; they are food-producing machines. They are confined to small cages with metal bars. So, why are there too many people against factory farming?The reason is not hard to find – animals are suffered most by factory farming. There are so many animals spend their lives in cages such as chickens, cows, pigs, fox, bears and even tigers. The first to be transformed into mass-produced farming is chicken. Over 600 million chickens live and die in nightmarish conditions to supply Canadians with their meat and eggs. They are kept in small wire cages, called â€Å"battery cages†, with between 7 or 8 chickens. Because of stress and fear, they are peck at each other. In order to prevent the fights, their peaks are cut.It causes lasting pain; effect the ability to eat, drink, or any movement of their peaks. After 18 to 20 weeks, they are considered â€Å"spent hens†, and need to be sent to slaughter. The second major animal in the factory farm is cow. They are milked by machines, which they are not even allowed to sit down. Normally, the dairy cow is forced into a repeated cycle of pregnancy and having her newborns taken away as young as a few hours old so the milk can be used for human consumption. Another factory farm animal, pigs, are kept indoor, unable to turn around, an only stand and lie down with difficulty. There is no respect for mothers: the baby pigs are taken from their mothers in two to four weeks to be fattened up. After 3 to 4 years, mother pigs will be sent to the slaughter. Instead of giving them some more space to live, factory farmer will have pig’s tails docked and teeth clipped to prevent tail biting. Factory farming does not hurt only animals; it also damages human lives by so many dimensions: environment, health and even the economy. As the number of animals in factory farming increases, the amount of animal waste produced increase, too.It damages the air globally. Moreover, it also raises a great concer n about water pollution. For example, if 2 million birds are killed a day, 12 million gallons of water is needed to flush away 3 million pound of guts, chicken heads, feathers, and blood. Public health concern is another issue. In order to promote growth of animals, more than 83% of farm animals are fed with antimicrobial. In 2008, in the U. S. , two million people become infected at hospitals, of those, 90,000 have died because their infections were immune to treatment.Hilariously, the point of developing factory farming is to increase a country economy system; there are some economic arguments against factory farming. Some can believe that factory farming is more efficient method comparing to local farming, it is also considered the best way to produce protein-rich foods as well as affordable. However, economists say no, because the full cost of factory farming will be equal to the total cost of land use, waste disposal expense, cost of air and water pollution, the cost of public health, and finally the cost of community when the value and quality of life decrease.In fact, according to a study, the cost of cleaning up pollution, together with repairing habitats and dealing with sickness caused by factory farming equal to 2. 3 billion pounds which is almost the same amount as a total agriculture industry’s income. By being aware of this facts about factory farming would make a better world for both humans and nonhuman animals. It will soon destroy both humans and nonhuman animals. In addition, the fact is without factory farming, we still can live with an even better life and health, both for humans as well as nonhuman animals.Again, by some perspectives, humans have the right to consume meat, so in the end animals are killed; however, doing what cost least suffer for animals during their lives is a must. Works Cited Michael Bristow. â€Å"China bear bile farms stir anger among campaigners. † BBC News, Beijing. 19 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-asia-china-17188043>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Chooseveg. ca Mercy for Animals. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. chooseveg. ca/animal-cruelty-canada. asp>. â€Å"The Pork Industry. † People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Peta. N. d.Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. peta. org/issues/animals-used-for-food/pork-industry. aspx>. â€Å"What are the Factory Farms hiding? See for Yourself? † Occupy for Animals. 03 Mar. 2012. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. occupyforanimals. org/what-are-factory-farms-hiding-see-for-yourself. html>. Danny Penman. â€Å"The factory farm tigers being turned into wine. † Mail Online. 12 Mar. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-441632/The-factory-farm-tigers-turned-wine. html>. â€Å"Factory Farm: The True Cost. † Human Farming Association. Wildlife Resource and rehabilitation.N. d. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. wildlife-rescue. org /index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=60>. L, Murray. â€Å"Factory Farmed-Chickens: Their difficult lives and deaths. † Britanica Advocacy for Animals. 14 May. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012 < http://advocacy. britannica. com/blog/advocacy/2007/05/the-difficult-lives-and-deaths-of-factory-farmed-chickens/>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Be Compassionate Be Veg. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012 < http://www. beveg. ca/factory-farming-in-canada. php>. Willis, Peterson. â€Å"Family Farming in America. Family Farming ahap. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://familyfarmingahap. weebly. com/family-vs-corporate-farming. html>. Phillip Lymberry. â€Å"Why is Factory Farming such a big deal. † Compassion in World Farming. Youtube. 5 Jul. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. . â€Å"Back to the start. † Chipotle Mexican Grill. Youtube. 25 Aug. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=aMfSGt6rHos> â€Å"The Meatrix. † Canada. The meatrix . N. d. Video. 11 Jul 2012. < http://www. themeatrix. com/intl/canada>

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