Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Family nurse practicioner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Family nurse practicioner - Essay Example 1). There are several universities that offer a Family Nurse Practitioner Program (FNPP). According to US News and World Report in 2011, the top five graduate schools for FNPP include: 1). University of California- San Fransisco (UCSF); 2) University of Washington; 3) University of Pennsylvania; 4) University of Michigan – Ann Arbor and;5) Columbia University. In UCSF, their Master of Science Program for FNP is a full-time, two-year course study. As an additional requirement, one is eligible to take up the course if he or she has at least 2 years of experience working as a Registered Nurse (RN). UCSF also offers a 5-6 quarter Post-Master’s option for those want to obtain FNP certification. This includes all clinical and specialty core courses. Year 1 will cover clinical practicum while Year 2 will focus on residencies that will provide supervised clinical experience (UCSF 1). As a specialty healthcare provider, the primary role of a certified FNP is to meet the healthcare needs of the individual and family though comprehensive primary care provision within their lifespan. Other roles and responsibilities of a certified FNP includes: 1) diagnosing illnesses; 2) prescribing medication and therapy; 3) conducting routine check-ups; 4) ordering patient lab tests; 5) assisting in minor surgical procedures; and 6) focusing on disease prevention through their independent work as well as collaboration with other primary care clinicians, healthcare and social service professionals (Johnson & Johnson, Inc.

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